Hi! I want to contribute to brid.gy and add an integration with OpenLibrary.
Would be great to get notifications about the books I read, and since Goodreads deprecated their API, the best option could be the OpenLibrary.
The easiest option is to start from the listening part. They do not have any oAuth options right now, but API is available for GET option: https://openlibrary.org/developers/api
So what I think:
After you login into Brid.gy with your website (indie auth), check profile page from OpenLibrary (OL) that you added to the input. for instance, https://openlibrary.org/people/zpetspey is my OL account, and it has my site https://yepstepz.io, and I can add
<a href="https://openlibrary.org/people/zpetspey" rel="me"></a>
to my site. It would be enough to show that I want to listen some updates.
There are a few pages that I would possibly crawl to get my updates from:
- currently-reading
- read
- would like to read
Bridgy could crawl it from time to time to get updates.
I don't see any eTag on curl -I request, but probably once in a day is ok.
Another interesting feature request could be to fetch year's goal and stats. Would be nice to get that updates from webmention.
After crawling and getting updates, bridgy could form a post. There is a discussion about some properties here: https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/10, so I need to research it further.
What do you think? I also have plans for investigating posting possibility, but wanted to check if this idea is ok with you.